Thanks Marcel, I needed this!

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Although I photograph for over 20 years or so, I only really think about collections, series or projects for a couple of years now. That means I have so many images that don't really fit into a larger scheme (at least so far ...). Although for now they only live in folders on my computer, I do have a plan for them. I'm working on a 'collection' for on my website that I'm calling "The World As I See It", and this collection will be populated with exactly these photographs. As a selection they might seem random, but that's really the point. Ah, hm ... I think I have my topic for my next newsletter ;-) Great article Marcel, thanks!

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I once bought an old book on a market, a collection of magazines from the 1950's bound together. I randomly inserted prints of my pictures in it, some 80 or so, and then just left it on a bench in Gent on a beautiful summer day, not far from the market where I originally bought it. I wonder where it is now. (I didn't insert my contact details).

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That's a really cool idea. Makes you wonder what happened to those photo. They might ended up on an art wall at someone's home. Nice thoughts!

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This is a very beautiful article, Marcel. For me, the darlings are those images I chose to share only in my Unpublished newsletter. It doesn't mean they are my best, nor they are my worst. Just, as you said, I can't find them a different place to shine, so why not dedicate an entire series to them?

Then, a separate chapter goes for my AI experiments. There are a bunch of them which I particularly liked, and so I decided to write a story around them.

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Very good points here Marcel, sacrificing these rogue frames for the bigger picture and then giving them a second chance. I like that!

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There’s some great ideas here, Marcel. I’ll definitely be using some of them.

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Ah killing one's darlings. Choosing heartache amongst treasured gems, precision triumphs.

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