A very interesting shot I think. Its like we´re looking at 4 different parts in one frame. I also like a the straight lines are tilted. Adds some tension to the image. Wonder what if would have looked like in color, but I think the choice for black & white is a good one. Make the photo more graphical and suits perfectly in this case.

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Hi all - thanks for the kind words here! Much appreciated.

The biggest thing I did here was getting myself out of the middle of the sidewalk and up against the building, you know? To really get a new perspective that I’ve never had before by getting my shoulder up against the window of this little food shop (hence MILK).

The day was very overcast, too, so the sky was just gray / white, which I think helped keep things stark and clean.

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Thanks for this context and also participating in PhotoTalk. Like I said, a great photo!

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i like the photo, i like this type of photos, i like reflections but in the mean time i do understand that is not for everybody. it is well executed and i like the fact that leaves room for interpretation or imagination like ... hmmm, how about a cross road sign pointing in 4 directions?

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First off, I really like these types of reflection photos….I’ve taken a few myself. I like how the composition here breaks the photo into sections and how the reflection of the sky echoes the antique sign drawing a line across the middle. I also like the interaction between the antique sign and the old style street lamp. The contrasty edit appeals to me too. A well executed photo.

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What I like about this: You get a large sense of the environment from a more intimate perspective. The reflections give us the neighborhood in general and two specific businesses, and the angles of shadow and light are interesting enough to cause my eyes to wander within the scene. Nice shot.

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