Hi, I’m a fellow left eye photographer for @ 50 years. What I didn’t like about lcd only x70 was the washout in sunlight. I tried the optical finder, even got the wide adapter, but it wasn’t for me. Traded it towards lenses for an xt4. Now I have a great viewfinder, and can mindfully use the lcd for tougher angles ( think older guy knees) and some review. I also use an x100v, usually with the viewfinder off too. Great column.

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viewfinder or neither for sneaky shots. The LCD emits too much light in dark surroundings, so I gradually cultivated the habit of not using it.

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I understand the conditions in dark surroundings, but if you had to pick one, which makes it easier for you to compose the frame?

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viewfinder, definitely. I have very bad eyesight (blind left, right 7/10 even with contact lens) so the LCD only works for me when I keep my eye close to it so I can see it in enough detail. And then I'm blinded by the emitted light for a while ... :D

I'm using a fuji X-T30 mirrorless. The viewfinder is excellent and that's one of the reasons I opted for that one.

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I’m left-eyed... and until now didn’t realize that most people aren’t! I typically go back and forth between my viewfinder and my LCD because I can use the autofocus more accurately with the LCD. I might revisit my habits with those annoying smudges in mind!

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Welcome fellow sufferer 😉

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If I'm not mistaken you don't have a viewfinder with the Ricoh GR cameras anyways right (only if you get a hot show attachment or something of that nature?) I switch between both the screen and the viewfinder with the viewfinder bring used for 3/4s of what I photograph. I have a Sony RX100III which is a small point-and-shoot camera that fits in my pocket and the cameras big selling point for me was a retractable viewfinder which I absolutely love. For me I find myself using the LCD screen only for difficult angles or quickly reacting to something I don't have to time to get the camera to my eye for. I definitely like to see everything happening in my scene and to step out of the world for a moment and into the viewfinder to block out and distractions. I have a photo walk friend and he uses the LCD screen and touch screen focusing for his shots, always cool to see how we approach the same tools so differently. Take care!

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I rarely use the LCD. Rather never for shooting. Useless with strong day light. And sucking battery. Touch screen is annoying. Just turned off, and checking maybe one of every 100 shots

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