
Darkrooms is a newsletter dedicated to the creation of photographs. The whole process fascinates me. Like I already wrote on the ‘About page’:

Photographs are created in darkrooms. Whether analogue or digital, the captured image becomes visible. But first of all a photograph is created in that other darkroom, your grey matter. You decide what will end up on that one-dimensional piece of paper (and those bits and bytes on your screen for the non-printers among us).

I want to read about the process that other photographers go through. That’s why this newsletter will also have interviews of interesting people, preferably from all over the world. Does a photographer from Japan handle a photo project the same way as a photographer from Italy? Or Scotland? Or Kenia? Well, you get the drill.


Read the previous ‘The Dark Rooms of…

Via this page you can read all previous episodes of this interview series. Enjoy.

I kicked off the first episode. Not that I’m such an example, but it might be interesting to get to know the author of this newsletter ;-)

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The second episode is dedicated to the Ukrainian streetphotographer Evgeny Bondarenko. He tells about his use of the “are, bure, boke” style. Don’t know what that is?

Read the interview

The third episode is focused on Carol Olerud. See what this Australian/Dutch photographer has to share.

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In this fourth episode the spotlight is on Kees Molders. We learn that it is important to ‘feel’ with your eye at the viewfinder whether you have a bite.

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This episode is all about French photographer Alain Astruc. He isn’t focused on having his photos in any specific look, but he pays very close attention to the sequencing of his photos.

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Get to know Tom Meerman, a well-known and very active person in the Dutch photographic scene. He would like everyone to get to know the joy of the open mind.

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This time Jan Gruiters talks about his Dark Rooms. He focuses on a searching person in an alienating environment.

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Learn all about the Finnish streetphotographer Panu Kannisto who has some interesting goals to achieve.

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Read about Mexican lifestyle & food photographer Xavi Buendia, who likes the stories to develop organically and see where the project takes him.

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Learn what the Scottish, in Warsaw, Poland living photographer & the writer of the Photos, mostly street photography newsletter Neil Milton has to say.

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All the way from Reykjavik, Iceland photographer Röggi has some words to share. Read his story.

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American photographer Don Giannatti tells about shooting for over six decades and mentoring photographers.

Read the interview

Like these interviews? Please forward this page to a friend who loves photography.
